The Snyders... we may not have it all together, but together we have it ALL!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

What an amazing Christmas, We are so blessed! Even though the kids are older and its not as fun to see their little eyes light up when they open their presents, I still know how much they appreciate us, They tell us constantly. Its a different excitement. I just love spending time with them, Talking, Laughing, and eating!!! I cooked for 3 days straight, and had so much food! My whole family + the extras ate, Kim's family, Mom and Dad, Marci's whole family...AND THEN SOME!!!
Christmas eve, we coupled up, and made gingerbread houses. Eric and Lara almost broke up,(Eric said, people will ask why did you break up,...cause I didn't hold the gingerbread house up, the right way!")ha ha Kaylie called Brandon "bad names" and Collin, Conner, myself , and Bryan just gave up!!! I guess we don't have the patients, and my frosting was WAY to runny!! Mom took the "winner's" gingerbread house, home with her, which was Eric and Lara's, although Kaylie, and Brandon's was great too! We watched "old" videos from past Christmas's and how fun that was, I really miss those times, but love where we are at in our life's. I really felt a hole in my heart having Craig gone, but I know he was with us. I miss him so much!
It was fun to visit with everyone and I got to talk to Sherry which was wonderful, cause I have been thinking so much about her! It made my Christmas to hear her voice and talk with her...ONLY 1 more Christmas without her....
They all got great gifts and gave great gifts. I loved my pictures of Craig with the poem on it. Sadie made Collin a beautiful New York Yankees quilt. Eric got some coal...He must have been BAD! I have been overloading on pictures, so I am going to write more, and put up fewer pictures. I hope everyone had a great Christmas...

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