Bryan is 48 and works for the U.S postal Service.
Becky is 41 and loves being a mom to her four wonderful kids. We have been married for 20 wonderful years, what a quick 20 years! We have had a great and easy life!!!
Eric is 19 and going to SLCC to be a Physical Therapist.He loves Baseball!
Kaylie is 18 and just graduated from West Jordan, she is moving to orem to UVU to study Dental Hygiene. Kaylie is a dancing machine.
Conner is 15 and will be driving and in High School. He loves football, and will play for W.J
Collin is 14 he goes to West Jordan Middle School and will be a 9th grader. He is also playing football for W.J. He is mommy's little boy and he loves sports of all kinds.
We have two dogs..Irwin (funny name We know) is a mini schnauzer and Roxy is a yorkie poo=yorkie and poodle mix.
snyders are bloggers! woo hoo!
ReplyDeletelove you snyder fam!